If for any reason you are not satisfied with your product, you can request its return within 30 days from the date of receipt. We will accept the return request and give you specific instructions depending on your country of origin; this way we guarantee that you can return your product without issues or delays in shipping.
You can check return conditions on the next page. Read carefully these conditions when requesting the return. You can ask for return in several ways through our website:
- In your customer area, directly in the order information. Display the order information and then click on "Request return". Complete and send the form and your request will be registered.
- Using the Customer Service dialog located at the top of the web page. As in the previous option, complete the form to proceed with the return request.
This option will only be visible if you have any orders that have been recently shipped to you. If the order does not appear, contact our Customer Service at info@visual-click.com
Customer Area
Form to request return
Once we receive your request, we will send you specific instructions to proceed. To guarantee that your product is returned without issues in the shipment or problems with the transport agency or customs service (if it is a return from outside the European Union), please follow our instructions we will sent you by email.
In some cases we may offer handling the return using our trusted shipping agency for a reduced cost. This will ease the return process in cases where documentation must be fullfilled or customs service need additional requisites.
Once we receive the product and verify that it is in perfect condition, we will proceed to refund the order. If you have any questions, ask our Customer Service at info@visual-click.com where we will resolve any questions or problems that may arise.