How to correct vision defects by using Single-Vision Glasses
Currently there are a lot of people who need glasses or contact lenses to correct their vision. The statistics are not flattering, especially if you take into account that people are starting to develop vision problems at a younger age.
It is clear that the overexposure to LED lights of the screens of computers, mobile phones and tablets has a great part of responsibility in what is happening, but luckily the most frequent vision problems can be solved with suitable single-vision glasses.
Single-vision glasses have a single precription on the entire surface of the lenses so they are used to improve a specific visual defect. What are these problems?
- Myopia
- Hyperopia
- Astigmatism
We have all heard these terms, but do you really know what they mean and how they are corrected? Continue reading to discover it.
MyopiaPeople who suffer from it do not see well from afar, but did you know that more than being a problem of lack of visual acuity, myopia is related to the way in which the eye captures the light? When, to put it somehow, the eye is too long or the cornea too curved, the rays of light come together before reaching the retina and this is what makes objects in the distance not seen clearly. For the same reason people with myopia tend to squint to create some clarity. To correct myopia, concave lenses are used (thinner at the center than at the edges). If the prescription is high and the correct reduction is not applied to the lenses, they will make the eyes look smaller.
HyperopiaThis is the opposite of myopia, the one who suffers from it does not see well up close. This is because the eye is too short or the cornea too flat. The rays of light enter through the pupil and converge behind the retina making it difficult to clearly see nearby objects (it is difficult to read, for example). |
Hyperopia is corrected with convex lenses (thicker in the center than on the edges). With a high prescription, the eyes will look larger behind the lenses, but it can be avoided if the appropriate reduction is applied.
AstigmatismIt is the most common vision defect. It can occur alone, although frequently people who suffer from it also suffer from hyperopia or myopia. Astigmatism is caused by a too oval eye or by an irregular curvature of the cornea. The rays of light enter through the pupil and project in more than one point of the retina causing a distorted vision. |
If you suffer from any of these visual problems and you need more information about it, you can contact us with total freedom. Our team of optometrists will be happy to solve all your doubts.
Siguiente: Examen de la vista, graduación con tu optometrista.